Encounter, Order of the Dragons

fluidUs Encounter, Order of the Dragons

…it is impossible to describe in words the full reality of this experience... This will not be an end, but a beginning. This is a path into the depths, the deep work.

"We are lived by powers we pretend to understand." - W. H. Auden 

We suffer from an impoverished understanding of what we are. 

We have orphaned ourselves from much of our knowledge and have glorified and relied on what we can express in words and abstract ideas. We have misunderstood the necessity of ritual as the serious play of a transcendent and essential knowing. We have forgotten the power of our stories and myths as intergenerational wisdom, true in pattern, speaking to us through the passage of time and unfolding in our days and breaths. 

We have lost our sense of self, a connection to the depths of our nature. This is a journey into the depths to recover and resurrect what we are and an experience of a presencing, living enchanted reality. This is a quest toward an encounter with the mystery that satisfies both intellect and reason. We will bring myth and ritual forward in a way that satisfies the mind. Movement, breath, myth, and ritual are not primitive superstitious forms but necessary, intellectually respectable, and responsible enactments and practices for awakening a clearer understanding of an enchanted musical world and for the fulfillment of what it means to be human, conscious, and alive.

Together, we will share movement, breath, physical practices, stories, myths, ancient stories, forgotten symbols, connection to the I-not-I and the Other-not-Other. You will learn skills for moving and engaging the body in fluidity and sensation to access the depths. We will breathe new life into the experience of ancient myths while engaging the intellect and reason. We will rekindle the sense of meaning, wonder, reverence, and awe that is the appropriate response to a clearer vision of existence itself. We will map out a path and ways of being in the world to continue the journey of resurrecting our mythic nature and moving toward deepest meaning. 

This is a 6 day Online journey that was recorded live with members of the fluidUs fellowship, Order of the Dragons.

(When you join the experience, you will be invited into the Order of the Dragons and join the conversation and community in the what’s app group)

Each Day begins with a deep morning practice of movement and breath.

We then have a contemplative break for breakfast. We then come back together for our morning gathering where we will go through storytelling, myth, and fairy tales, richer practices, writing and dialogue. We will then have our contemplative lunch break. After the break we come together again to go further into the depths of the experience. We finish with an Evensong practice to prepare us for the dreams that will come.

We look forward to welcoming you into the depths, into the fluidUs fellowship and the Order of the Dragons.

-Carlos Tao