
Movement, Myth, Ritual and the Enchanted World

December 21, 2023

Thursday 10am US Eastern Standard Time

(Istanbul, Turkey time 6pm)

(London Time 3pm)

(Bali Time 11pm)

At a sacred time when the nights get darkest, we will gather for movement, touch and myth to re-enchant our vision of the soul and of the world.

We will journey into the depths of the body, the myth and the spirit, joining the ancient soul with the modern mind.

Join live in person or receive the recording afterwards to experience on your own.

All contribution levels below receive the same access link to the live experience and the same recording afterwards.

The contribution you choose is based on what you can do and the affect you would like to have to the deep work we are doing.

We appreciate each bit for the honor and offering that it is.

Thank you and

Welcome to the fluidUs fellowShip

Winter Solstice Experience

All images are paintings by Arist Susan Boulet, except for the image at the top of the page which is by artist Sarah Fox Wrangler